Beaches of Budva
The variea relief is a real treasure. Thw many coves, cliffs, islands, and reefs (the largest island is Sveti
Nikola, two kilometers long), and particulary the existence of 14 lovely beaches are of great importance for developing holliday
centers. That is a distincive tourist area is seen in the fact that Becici ( l:800m, differnent colours and granulation )
was proclaimed by international experts (Paris,1935.) the most beautiful beach in the Mediterranean. Since it represents
a natural heritage, the beaches of the Budva Riviera are under special protection.
Queen`s Beach |

Jaz Beach
Jaz Beach is one of the three great potentials of Montenegrin seaside. It is situated in the Mrcevo field
as its background with the seasonal Drenovstica river running through it. It is from both
its sides protected by the hills of Grbalj and Straza. The beach is 2.5km away from Budva on the way
to Tivat. There are two parts of this beach, one is 500m long, and the smaller one which is used by nudists is 300m long. The beach is pebbly and the sea bottom at its beginning, but it becomes sandy as the water gets
deeper. The sand gives the water a wonderful turquoise shade. In the background of the bigger part of the beach, in the Mediterranean
vegetation and greenary, there is a campsite with the capacity of 2000 sites. This beach is a protected natural area of the
first category.
Jaz Beach |

Mogren Beach
two beaches are spreading out at the area from Mogren Cape to Vidikovac of the Avala hotel. The natural conditions of Mogren enlist them in
the category of the most attractive beaches, with the sand of medium granulation at the beach and the sea bottom. The beach
is extraordinary sunny and exposed to the south wind. From
its backside it is protected by Spas hill which is overgrown with dense pine and oak
forest. The beach can be accessed only through the Avala hotel complex, what makes the beach exclusive.
It is 150m away from the Old town. Mogren consists of two sandy beaches 350m long, which are connected with a tunnel. These
beaches were named after the Spanish seaman called Mogrinj who had a shipwreck and landed at
one of them. As a sign of gratitude he built a church devoted to St. Anton.
Mogren Beach |

Slovenska Beach
It spreads out from the city port to the Park hotel, the total length is about 1600m. It was declared a
bathing beach in 1920, and some Czechs who spent their vaction in Budva in 1935 called it Slovenian beach and it is still
called so. The beach is pebbly, as well as the sea bottom. In its background there is the same named hotel with apartments,
annexes, resturants, cafes, well managed parks with different kinds of Mediterranean vegetation.
Slovenska Beach |

Guvance Beach
This is a small sandy beach beneath the path leading to Becici, near the tunnel which is 80m long.
Guvance Beach |

Becici Beach
It is considered to be one of the most beautiful and largest beaches on the south part of the Adriatic
Sea. It is sandy, 1950m long and goes from Zavale to Djevistenja. In 1935 it was rewarded Grand Prix (Golden Palm) in Paris.
How significant Budva beaches and the quality of their sand were, shows the fact that the Czechs made an exibition of the sand from these beaches for advertisiment purposes.
a part of the background there is a comple tourist settlement. It can be considered to be a bathing zone, sport zone, the
zone for recreation and relaxation in well managed parks, with different sport terrains, and of course the zone of all kinds
of accommodation capacities.
Becici Beach |

Kamenovo Beach
Beach is the first one in the succession of about 16 smaller, very attractive beaches
of Budva Riviera, at the line towards Perazici valley. It is situated between Becici and Przno. The beach is and the sea botton are sandy. This makes crystally clean water look turquoise at one and azure in the next moment. It is oriented towards
south-east with a big number of sunny hours. Kamenovo beach is easily accessed because of the vicinity of the high way. It
is 730m long.
Kamenovo Beach |

Przno Beach
is situated in front of the vivid, typical sea shore settlement, what gives the beach a special charm. It spreads out from Przno Cape
to Milocer Cape. Przno is the combination of partly sandy and partly rocky beach, which is 350m
long. There are olive groves of extreme value in its background, because of which the whole locality has been enlisted in
the protected natural reservations.
Przno Beach |

Queen`s Beach
is situated immediately next to Milocer beach and fits in this environment because of its
attractiveness. The beach is 1000m long, with cypress and olive trees in its background. It was the favourite beach of Queen
Maria Karadordevic and that's how it got its name.
Queen`s Beach |

Milocer Beach
is situated beneath the former summer resort of the royal Karadorevic family, which
was built in 1934 and it is separated from the high way with a wall with two gates, one
leading to Przno, and the other one to St. Stefan. The beach is 380m long, and in the background there is Milocer forest
spreading out in the area of 18 h. There are rare exotic tree species, like Lebanese cedar, tropical Mimosa, Japanese medlar,
cactuses, agavas... The Milocer beach is a sandy beach of high category and together with beautiful background and exclusive
hotel it is a perfect work of nature and human hands.
Milocer Beach |

Sveti Stefan Beach
At this, for many people the most attractive spot of all the Adriatic coast, we come across a very rare natural
phenomenon - the tombola. It is a sandy isthmus that connects the coast with the crag, on which St. Stefan, the exclusive
town-hotel is built. There are two sandy beaches on the left and on the right side of the tombola. The sand is reddish and
the beaches are 1170m long. In the background there are restaurants, cafes, a hotel, a diving club, a parking lot. All this
is situated in a park that is arranged in a Mediterranean style. St. Stefan is the only de lux location at the Montenegrin
seaside, and its exclusiveness has been famous in the world for a long time. The most popular people come here gladly to spend
their vacations. Some of the guests were Villie Brant, Boby Fisher, Sofia Loren, Monica
Viti, Ingemar Stenmark, Silvester Stalone, Claudia Shiffer...Among the recognitions
that St. Stefan was awarded, is the prize Golden Apple (1964) from Life magazine.
Sveti Stefan Beach |

Drobni pijesak Beach
terrain towards south, towards Petrovac, is such that it caused forming a few small, pulled in beaches. They are accessible
only from the sea. The Drobni sand beach is distinctive for its beauty. It is situated in a hidden valley and it is 250m long.
As its sand is yellow-white it reminds of tropical beaches, and as the background is overgrown with olives and maquis it is
called "wild". There is a spring of drinking water and a few restaurants on the very beach. Drobni sand is a favourite vacation
area of many people.
Drobni pijesak Beach |

Petrovac Beach
beach with reddish sand is about 600m long and is one with the biggest number of visitors in Budva Riviera. It has a special charm because of the two isles Katic and
St. Sunday, which are true challenges for the lovers of sea depths. Petrovac beach is a protected natural reservation. Its bathing part is rimmed with a promenade, cafes,
restaurants, souvenir shops...Hotels Palas and 4th July are in its background.
Petrovac Beach |

Lucice Beach
This is a wonderful bathing locality which is still almost untouched despite the great number of visitors. The
beach is 500m away from Petrovac. It has the shape of a small bay. It is 220m long, it is sandy and so is the sea bottom.
The sea is very shallow and there are cypresses and pines in its background. There are also two restaurants.
Lucice Beach |

Buljarica Beach
is a tourist complex, third for its importance on the coast-line and very significant for Montenegro as a whole. Buljarica Field and the slopes of Dubovica Hill are very
convenient for development of all types of tourism. The Buljarica Bay spreads out from the Resovo Brdo
Cape to Dubovica and it is the largest beach in Budva Riviera. It is 1 km away from Petrovac towards Bar, about 2250m long, pebbly. There are
a few auto camp sites and rest homes in its background.
Buljarica Beach |
