Rafting on Tara river
Tara “Tear” of Europe spend an exciting
holiday in ecological paradise unforgettable days on the green beauty.

Rafting down Tara through the deepest canyon in Europe is unique, uncomparable
expirience. Tara is the longest river in Montenegro
(144km) which is consisted of two rivers Opasnica and Verusa and with river Piva from Scepan polje makes Drina.
It has made one of the biggest canyon-valleys in the world which is long 80 km and high over 1300 metres.

River Tara is the famous one and in the recent time for rafting by rubber boats. During the month
of June the categorisation of rivers by their level of attractivness for rafting is carried out. Tara was marked by 3-4 (coming
just after Colorado and other the most attractive rivers
in the world which categorisation is up to 5). Thus it appears to be on the very top of the worlds famous rafting rivers according
to its attractivness and adventure it can provide.

Our offer is one day or three rafting arrangement on Tara river.
Three days arrangement starts from the place Splaviste
which is 3 km upward from the bridge in the place Djurdjevica Tara and is 90 km long.

For this rafting our boats are provided. Our rafters know
every single rock and swirl of Tara and completely safely will take you through the rapids of this mountain beauty.
